حوار مفتوح: (مـ)ساحات التغيير في دول الربيع العربي

يسرُّ سبيس ومركز الخرطوم للفن المعاصر دعوتكم إلى حوار مفتوح باللغة العربية مع فنانين وأكاديميين من العراق وفلسطين وسوريا ولبنان والسودان للتفكير في مساحات التغيير في دول الربيع العربي منذ الموجة اﻷولى للمظاهرات في 2011، وما لحقها من ثورات مضادة وصراعات مسلحة ومروراً بالموجة الثانية من الثورات الشعبية التي شهدتها هذا العام السودان والجزائر ولبنان…


The Struggle for Home

The Struggle for Home 22 November 2019 Litteraturhuset Facebook event Welcome to the fifth edition of The Question of Syria; The Struggle for Home on 22nd November at Litteraturhuset. This year’s Question of Syria expands the discussion beyond nation state politics by reflecting on questions of belonging, exile, everyday political expression, right to land, citizenship…


Demokratispill – لعبة الديمقراطية

SPACE og Syrian Student Association inviterer til Demokratispill (ledet av Rafto Foundation for Human Rights) tirsdag 17.oktober, 17:00-20:00 på Sentralen. Vi skal ha et sosialt møte, der kan vi snakke sammen, ha det gøy, spise noe godt og spille sammen et brettspill «Demokratikaken» som er gruppebasert. I Demokratispillet vil deltagerne etablere sin egen stat og…


ArabFuturism: Arab Contemporary Art Scene

In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, and in the wake of decisive political junctures, how can Arab artists, musicians and authors imagine the future? It is possible to dream of a future that is centered and conceived from and for the people? In a region that is often haunted by worn-out clichés full of…


ArabFuturism: Arab Contemporary Art Scene

In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, and in the wake of decisive political junctures, how can Arab artists, musicians and authors imagine the future? It is possible to dream of a future that is centered and conceived from and for the people? In a region that is often haunted by worn-out clichés full of…


The Struggle for Home – The Question of Syria 2019

This year’s Question of Syria will expand the discussion beyond nation state politics by reflecting on questions of belonging, exile, everyday political expression, right to land, citizenship and return. The Question of Syria 2019 – The Struggle for Home invites intellectuals, specialists and artists from Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Sudan as well as Norway to think…


Frokostseminar: Hva skjer i Idlib?

What is happening in Idlib? Who is protecting civilians and civil space – and whose responsibility is it? Welcome to a breakfast seminar with Karam Hilly, a Syrian civil society activist. Karam will give a unique insight into the current situation in Idlib, including the situation of the local population and the admirable efforts of…


Songs of Separation: Film & Concert

Wajd – Songs of Separation: Film og konsert Wajd – Songs of Separation: Film and concert Wajd – Songs of Separation: Film og konsert Filmen Wajd – Songs of Separation skildrer livet i eksil for tre syrere, bosatt i Tyrkia og Nederland. Alle tre er sterkt knyttet til Sufi-tradisjonen i musikk. Filmen forteller hvordan det…
