Vigil for Palestine

Norsk English Masahat, Palestinakomiteen i Oslo og Aksjonsgruppa for Palestina inviterer aktivister og støttespillere av Palestina til å delta i en vigil, en samling hvor deltakerne møtes for å ære og minnes ofrene gjennom stillhet, bønner, taler og ved å tenne lys. Denne protestvigilien er en anledning til å uttrykke sorg og protest i en…


From Nakba to Liberation

As the world watches in horror at the unfolding genocide in Gaza—where over 40,000 lives have been brutally taken—the Palestinian people, along with millions of allies who champion freedom, justice, and dignity, are at a pivotal crossroads. The urgency to shift from despair to a focused, strategic movement for liberation has never been greater. But…


Masahat: Poems of Consumption / Hamed Sinno med live strykekvartett

Det er med stor glede at Masahatfestivalen 2024 presenterer den ikoniske libanesisk-amerikanske Hamed Sinno med deres solodebut Poems of Consumption på Riksscenen den 21. september. Hamed Sinno er tidligere vokalist i det legendariske indie-rock bandet, Mashrou’ Leila.  Det kritikerroste «Poems of Consumption» er en litterær sangsyklus og en multimediaforestilling som utforsker temaer som ennui, overvåkning,…


The BDS movement

Strategies of resistance – the legacy and outlook of the BDS movement How can we work together to push our institutions to take a solid stance against Israel’s occupation? Masahat invites to a talk and panel discussion of Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) as a tool of resistance in arts and academia. The BDS movement has…


Artists and Liberation

The genocide in Gaza has exposed the complicity of our cultural and academic institutions in zionism and related colonial ideologies of extermination, extraction and unlawful accumulation of wealth. Artists have contributed to a growing vanguard  global movement in solidarity for Palestine and too many have paid the price for their principled stance against oppression. Nonetheless,…


Mini Masahat | مساحات للصغار

نرحب بكم في مساحات للصغار يوم الأحد ٨ أيلول في توين تورغ! انضموا إلينا في ميني مساحات – يوم للصغار واليافعين والعائلات يحتفل بالثقافة واللغة العربية من خلال الموسيقى وورش العمل الفنية والرقص والمرح وفقرة الحكواتي والأفلام والطعام وغيرها الكثير من النشاطات! الدخول مجاني ومتاح للجميع! Velkommen til Mini Masahat på Tøyen Torg 8. september 2024!  Bli med på…


Harnessing SWANA Diaspora Power

English العربية In this pivotal discussion, we will dive deep into how our diaspora communities can strategically leverage their power, not only to advance the cause of Palestinian liberation but to lay the foundation for a stronger, freer region for all our peoples. Throughout history, diaspora communities have been at the forefront of transformative liberation…
