Syrian Cultural Caravan

The Syrian society has witnessed an unprecedented explosion in cultural and artistic expression since the beginning of the revolution in 2011. The burgeoning of Syrian cultural and artistic practices as ways to resist dictatorship has been a marked aspect of the Syrian uprising. Syrian cultural production has been almost totally consumed with trying to respond…


Why is Russia Bombing Syrians? – HRHW 2016

The Syrian sky is crowded with jet fighters from different corners of the world. While none of these is contributing to solving the Syrian conflict, Russia has been specifically accused by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch of targeting civilians, using cluster bombs and committing atrocities that amount to war crimes. In September 2015 Russia…


SPACE at HRHW film festival 2016

SPACE is glad to be collaborating with the Human Rights Human Wrongs Festival for the second year. This year we are organizing a screening of short films and a panel discussion on the Russian intervention in Syria. Syria Shorts: Portraits from Dystopia  Date and venue: February 18,  17:00 – Cinemateket They come in sinking boats. They…


Planet Syria answers your #QuestionsforSyria

Planet Syria answers your ‪#‎QuestionsforSyria‬ You can ask us anything. You will get the answer from non-violent activists, journalists, writers, artists, parents inside the country who are willing to share their stories with you. They face the violence of both the Assad regime and Isis and you can ask them about it. Some of them…
