NEW DATE: 26 April. Arts, culture, and feminism in MENA

UPDATE : NEW DATE: Panel and concert are postponed to 26th of April. Due to the strike in France, Souad Massi will not make it to Oslo on 8th of March. Follow the link for more info: —— On the international women’s day, the 8th of March, Cosmopolite Scene has invited Nasim Mashak…


Grønnvaskingen av Egypt

Av Mostafa Elsayed Hussin, egyptisk aktivist og forsker og Zeina Bali, daglig leder, Masahat for Arab Culture in Exile5 «Tirsdag, rett før lysene slås på, skal jeg drikke min siste kopp te i fengsel. Og etter fem dager, når lysene slås på søndag sjette november, skal jeg drikke mitt siste glass med vann. Hva som…


Salon Marie Rose (soirée)

Tickets Stand-up comedy with Shaden ستاند آب كوميدي مع شادن Stand-up comedy with Shaden Welcome to Salon Marie Rose soirée, an evening of film screening, poetry, readings with finger food served, hosted by Frida Marida, and ending with a live stand-up comedy show hosted by the one and only Shaden! Your ticket gives access to:…


Salon Marie Rose: Queer Arabs in Exile

English العربي English Welcome to Salon Marie Rose: Queer Arabs in Exile, a day including a pop-up library, films on loop, finger food, poetry and readings hosted by Frida Marida and ending with a stand-up comedy show with Shaden (comedy show in Arabic only). Salon Marie Rose is taking place at Melahuset on Saturday 5…


DER دار: slipp + samtale

I august kom tidsskriftet DER دار med en ny utgivelse, hvor temaet er Klima mellom Norge og den arabiske verden. Velkommen til slippet:- Osama Shaheen, redaktør i DER skal introdusere den nye utgaven. – Miljøaktivist, Mustafa Alhajjaj, skal fortelle om hans jobb i frivillig initiativer for å redde havet. Også skal vi ha lesesirkel til en artikkel…


Artist talk & soup

Welcome to this artist talk with photographer Seif Kousmate and Nadia Bseiso. We will have soup just before we delve into a cosy and inspiring conversation with two out of the four photographers behind Masahat outdoors exhibition Troubled Waters: Images from the Arab world. The artist talk is moderated by Fotogalleriet’s Artistic Director, Dr. Antonio…


Reading circle: about hope

In this reading circle, in addition to summarizing and discussing readings, we will have a meeting with the author Iyad El-Baghdadi, with artistic jamming by Sudanese cartoonist Khalid Al Baih and Egyptian rock musician Ramy Essam interluding with reading and discussing. The reading circle will be moderated by Line Khateeb, chair of Masahat board. نرحب بكم في حلقة القراءة: “عن الأمل”.…


Masahat Screens: Let’s hope it rains

On the last day of Masahat festival 2022, join us for “Let’s hope it rains”, a film program on a long and lazy Sunday afternoon, because one thing is certain: the Middle East is thirsty, but mostly for political will.    Masahat Screens, a contemplative and critical film program curated by Dalia Alkury, invites you…
