Den glemte syriske revolusjonen

“I mange opprørskontrollerte områder forsøker sivile å organisere tjenester for innbyggerne. Frivillige driver undervisning og helsestell. Noen tar ansvar for å hente søppel. Ingeniører finner løsninger med fornybar energi når strømtilførselen kuttes. En redningstjeneste finner overlevende etter bombeangrep. Andre oppdaterer offentlige registre over eiendom, ekteskapsinngåelse og fødsler.” “– Med SPACE ville vi skape et rom…


The Syria International – Robin Yassin-Kassab

  Why should the world be interested in Syria at all? Is the world interested, at what level? What are the existing internationalist networks that work with and for Syrians today, and how effective are they? How can Syria inform a radical critique of classical forms of postcolonial, anti-imperialist, and left-wing oppositional movements? More about…


Misreading Syria: Sectarian Secularism – Thomas Pierret

Persistent claims that the Syrian regime is “non-sectarian” result from a failure to distinguish between sectarianism as an explicit ideology, and sectarianism as an often unspoken technique of power. Whereas the Assad family has generally purported to act in the name of “national unity”, and accordingly minimised discursive expressions of sectarianism, its actual practices throughout…
