The Citizen Academy
November updates

أكاديمية المواطنة
مقتطفات من شهر نوفمبر
Tidligere denne sommeren lanserte SPACE prosjektet «The Citizen Academy». Prosjektets mål er å trene unge mennesker med bakgrunn fra arabiske land i å delta og påvirke den offentlige debatten og den kulturelle scenen i Norge. «The Citizen Academy» skjer gjennom fire samlinger fra september til desember 2020. Hver samling avsluttet med et offentlig arrangement i Oslo.
Vi møttes i september og oktober, men på grunn av koronasituasjonen flytter vi de neste to samlingene til i februar og mars 2021.
Her er noen oppdateringer fra samlingen vi hadde i oktober, med 14 unge mennesker fra Syria, Palestina, Jemen, Sudan og Algeria som i dag bor i ulike norske byer. Under denne samlingen diskuterte vi politiske undertrykkelsesøkonomier, og deltakerne reflekterte over den politiske økonomien i hjemlandene sine, og spesielt opprørene i Sudan. De tok også for seg den norske velferdsmodellen, historien om migrasjon og fagforeninger i Norge, og de kom fram til nytenkende ideer i analysen av fordommer mot immigranter i samfunnet.
Vi fikk selskap av Muzan Alneel, forsker og aktivist fra Sudan, Andreas Delsett, forfatter og politisk rådgiver for Rødt, Khaled Salimi, festivalsjef for Melafestivalen, Osama Shahin, grunnlegger av Norges første arabiskspråklige magasin Der دار.
Vi gleder oss over å ha samlet denne talentfulle gruppen med unge mennesker og ser fram til de neste to samlingene i november og desember. Vi ser også fram til å følge veiene deres videre etter akademiet!
أطلقت منظمة سبيس هذا الصيف المشروع التجريبي “أكاديمية المواطنة”. يهدف المشروع إلى تدريب شابات وشبان مهاجرين في النرويج من أصول عربية على المشاركة والتأثير في الفضاء العام والحقل الثقافي النرويجي. تتضمن الأكاديمية أربعة لقاءات شهرية من سبتمبر إلى ديسمبر 2020. بعد أن اجتمعنا في شهري سبتمبر وأوكتوبر، ارتأينا تأجيل اللقاءين القادمين إلى 2021 بسبب ظروف الكورونا.
نشارك معكم بعض المقتطفات من لقاء أوكتوبر، مع المشاركين، 14 شابة وشاب مقيمين في مدن مختلفة في النرويج، وبالأصل هم من سوريا، فلسطين، اليمن، سودان والجزائر. كانت ثيمة اللقاء الثاني “اقتصادات مستبدة” حيث ناقشنا الاقتصاد السياسي في دول الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، السودان كنموذج. كما ناقشنا دولة الرفاه في النرويج، نبذة عن تاريخ الهجرة ونقابات العمال والإنتاج الثقافي في النرويج.
استضفنا في اللقاء الثاني، مزن النيل، باحثة وناشطة من السودان، أندرياس ديلست، كاتب ومستشار للحزب الأحمر في الستورتينغ، خالد سليمي ناقد ثقافي ومدير مهرجان ميلا، أسامة شاهين مؤسس أول مجلة عربية في النرويج.
نحن متحمسين جداً للقاءين القادمين، ولمتابعة مسارات الإنتاجات الثقافية للمشاركين بعد انتهاء الأكاديمية، ونأمل أن تصبح الأكاديمية تقليداً سنوياً.
Earlier this summer, SPACE launched the Citizen Academy project that seeks to train Arab youth to participate in and influence the Norwegian public debate and cultural scene. The Academy includes four gatherings from September to December 2020, with each gathering ending in a public event. We met in September and October, but had to postpone the next two meetings to February and March 2021.
Here we share some pictures and updates from October’s gathering, with a group of 14 Arab youth living in different cities in Norway and originally from Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Sudan and Algeria. The discussions revolved around political economies of oppression. Participants reflected on the political economy of their home countries and particularly Sudan’s uprising, they also critically engaged on Norway’s welfare model, the history of migration and fagforening in Norway and innovative ideas that dismantle prejudice around immigrants in society.
We were joined by Muzan Alneel, researcher and activist from Sudan, Andreas Delsett, forfatter and advisor Stortinget, Khaled Salimi Mela festivalsjef Mela festival, Osama Shahin founder of Norway’s first Arabic magazine (دار Der) among others.
We’re beyond excited to have gathered this group of talented Arab youth and look forward to the next two gatherings, and to follow their paths beyond the academy.
The Citizen Academy Participants

أكاديمية المواطنة
Sara Merabti Elgvin (35) ساره مرابطي الفين, is originally from Algeria, and has been living in Norway since 2016. Sara is a Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI). She has done extensive research on politics and security in the North Africa region; and speaks several languages (English, French, Arabic, Berber, Spanish and Norwegian).
Ayah Mustafa (22) آية مصطفى, is Jordanian with Palestinian origins. She moved to Northern Norway in 2016 and recently moved to Oslo to study English literature at University of Oslo. She has a bachelor in Electronics Engineering from University of Tromsø, and is interested in languages and translation.
Chiara Ayad (25) كيارا عيّاد, is Palestinian-Norwegian, and has been living in Norway since 2019. Chiara grew up in Abu Dis, a village in the West Bank, Palestine. She works in international conflict resolution, and interested in arts, culture and social activism.
Yasmin Mouafak Abokatmah (27) ياسمين موفق أبو قطمة, is originally Palestinian who grew up in Syria, and has been living in Norway since 2015. Yasmin is currently pursuing her bachelor degree in Middle Eastern Studies at University of Oslo. She has interest in literature and translation.
Bahaa Eleyan (30) بهاء عليان, is originally from Gaza, Palestine and has been living in Norway since 2019. Bahaa is currently working on a Gaza Tromsø twin city project. Bahaa has more than 12 years of community work and activism from Gaza, and is specially interested in creative writing and working with youth.
Mariam Tartousi (20) مريم طرطوسي, is originally from Syria and has been living in Norway since 2016. She is studying English Linguistics and Literature at UiT The Arctic University Of Norway. Mariam is also a member of the central board of Norges Blindeforbunds Ungdom and is a choire inductor at Tromsø International Choir.
Yasir Kamal Saad (32) ياسر كمال سعد, is originally from Sudan and has been living in Norway since 2013. He is educated as sosionom from NTNU, and currently is working at Bergen municipality. Yasir is an active volunteer in different organizations, and is particularly interested in questions related to integration in the Norwegian society.
Abdulrahim Habboush (29) عبد الرحيم حبّوش, is originally from Syria, and has been living in Norway since 2015 in Bergen and Trondheim. Abdulrahim works as an interpreter and is currently studying master’s in robotics in NTNU. He also volunteers as a leader of norsktrening aktivitet in Trondheim.
Wissam Nofal (28) وسام نوفل, is originally from Syria, and has been living in Norway since 2016. He is studying Vernepleierstudie at Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN). Wissam is interested in questions related to active participation in the Norwegian society and in changing the discourse around refugees in Norway.
Alma Habbal (37) ألمى حبّال, is originally from Syria, and has been living in Norway since 2015. Alma is educated as a visual artist in Syria and has worked as a graphics designer before coming to Norway, and participated in several exhibitions in Syria and Qatar.
Tareq Al-Moslmi (33) طارق المسلمي, is originally from Yemen and has been living in Norway since 2019. He is currently a research fellow at Bergen University.
Bara Jasem Alowais (37) براء جاسم العويس, is originally from Syria and has been living in Norway since 2011. Bara is a doctor, currently working in Drammen legevakt. He has interest in literature and poetry, and has published a poetry collection in Arabic in 2013.
Radwan Baki (29) رضوان باقي, is originally from Syria and has been living in Norway since 2017. Radwan is an artist and used to run his own studio in Beirut before coming to Norway. He participated in exhibitions in Canada, the United States and Lebanon. He also ran art workshops for children in Lebanon and Norway.
Mustafa Alhajjaj (29) مصطفى الهجاج, is originally from Syria and has been living in Norway since 2015. He started his education in chemistry in Syria before leaving, where he was also a volunteer in different organizations in Syria including the Syrian Red Crescent and later Molham Team. Currently, Mustafa is working in Mysen and preparing to continue his studies in chemistry.
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