Farah Azrak, born and raised in Damascus, Syria, is a polyvocal artist, performer, facilitator, and Somatic Movement practitioner currently living in Lebanon. Her works span the fields of performance, collage, sound, poetry, and video. Farah’s works stem from her passion for the Body as a gateway for radical expression and practice of resistance and liberation. She works to deconstruct and restore relationships to self, others and the environment through active explorations in movement and voice. Her love of ecology guides her practice in creating immersive environments that reflect the deep enmeshment of interconnected systems, as well as her active social and political work in co-creating regenerative ecosystems for our all overall wellbeing. She was an active member of Zayraqoun collective for four years creating performances for the street, and currently part of the core team of Bulaban social circus in the Bekaa valley, among other collectives and networks. She also works as a community facilitator through creative psychosocial support with various marginalized women communities in Lebanon. She loves to write, dance, sing, share knowledge and resources, and make a lot of noise!