Mini Masahat | مساحات للصغار
Tøyen Torg Hagegata 28, Oslo, Norwayنرحب بكم في مساحات للصغار يوم الأحد ٨ أيلول في توين تورغ! انضموا إلينا في ميني مساحات - يوم للصغار واليافعين والعائلات يحتفل بالثقافة واللغة العربية من خلال الموسيقى وورش العمل…
نرحب بكم في مساحات للصغار يوم الأحد ٨ أيلول في توين تورغ! انضموا إلينا في ميني مساحات - يوم للصغار واليافعين والعائلات يحتفل بالثقافة واللغة العربية من خلال الموسيقى وورش العمل…
Posters for Palestine Posters for Palestine viderefører et italiensk initiativ der kunstnere, designere og illustratører lager plakater til støtte for Gaza. Plakatene lanseres med en salgsutstilling under Masahatfestivalen 18. september…
English العربية The renowned Palestinian artist Nai Barghouti will open Masahat festival 2024. Join us for an evening of grief, hope and joy at Grønland Kirke on the 18th of…
Etter åpningskonserten på Jakob kirke, skal vi sparke i gang årets festival med åpningsfest på Nordic Black Theatre. Med den legendariske DJ Daeva inviterer vi publikum til et eventyr av…
Norsk English Palestinian Hospitality er en kombinert aktivistisk intervention, delegert performance og audioguide som henter inspirasjon fra utstillinga Palestinske kunstnere arrangert av The Plastic Arts Section P.L.O og Kunstnernes Hus…
Since the advent of the Arab Spring, mainstream media in Egypt and the Arab world has become an organ for state power to control public access to news, often spreading…
This workshop will discuss the best practices for digital investigation and how they can be incorporated in investigating war crimes today. We will explore the topics such as verification o…
How do we support ourselves and each other in pain and loss, in ways that minimize our risk of drowning in it and taking it out on each other? I…
English العربية In this pivotal discussion, we will dive deep into how our diaspora communities can strategically leverage their power, not only to advance the cause of Palestinian liberation but…
The genocide in Gaza has exposed the complicity of our cultural and academic institutions in zionism and related colonial ideologies of extermination, extraction and unlawful accumulation of wealth. Artists have…