This film screening and panel discussion titled “Insiders Narrative” will shed light on how Gazan youth have experienced and continue to experience war and military aggression. After the 11 day aggression Gaza’s youth have less prospects and envision a bleaker future. The film “Ambulance” will be screened and followed by a panel discussion. Ambulance is a movie that captures the brutal aggression on Gaza in 2014.
Guest speakers
Mohammed Jabaly, Filmmaker from Gaza, ‘Ambulance’ Director
Line Khateeb, Director of Palestinakomiteen
Rana Mortaja , 24 years old mother, Community worker
Omar Alrabi, 24 years, English Literature graduate
Bissan Ouda, 23 years, Community volunteer
Moderated by Bahaa Eleyan.
This event is organized by Masahat in collaboration with TVIBIT, and is part of the Citizen Academy project by Masahat and the Gaza-Tromsø twincity project by TVIBIT