Sille Storihle is an artist and educator based in Oslo, working primarily with moving imagesand printed matter. Their artistic practice encompasses a body of work in dialogue with queerarchives and pasts, exploring relationships between power and performativity. From 2012 to2020, Storihle ran the queer-feminist platform FRANK together with Liv Bugge. Theplatform originated as a salon, which developed into a wide range of projects in differentlocations with various co-curators. Their current research and work focuses on live actionrole-playing games (LARP) as an artistic methodology in the production of moving images.They have exhibited at the National Museum, Oslo, 2023, 2022, 2014; M HKA – Museum ofContemporary Art Antwerp, 2020; Kunsthall Oslo, 2018, 2017, 2013; GiBCA – GöteborgInternational Biennial for Contemporary Art, 2017; Performa, New York, 2013; and SharjahBiennial 11, 2013, among many others. Storihle holds a BFA from Trondheim Academy ofFine Art and an MA in Aesthetics and Politics from the California Institute of the Arts, LosAngeles. Since 2016, they have been Assistant Professor at Kabelvåg School of MovingImages, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø.