Dr. Antonio Cataldo is a writer, curator, and the Artistic Director of Fotogalleriet, the Nordic countries’ oldest kunsthalle dedicated solely to photography as a critical artistic practice. Here, Cataldo has actively challenged institutional models, their governing structures, and the representative social role of images. Since 2022 Fotogalleriet has been part of FUTURES, a European network of photography institutions. His edited book Conversations on Photography (2021) retraces the birth and development of photography in the region through dialogues with notable local and international practitioners. His Ph.D. dissertation, Curating Labour. Gender and Dispossession in the Exhibition Space is an upcoming book by OnCurating, Zurich. Cataldo obtained an MA in 2006 under the thesis supervision of philosopher Giorgio Agamben in Venice, Italy. Cataldo sits on the boards of The Kunsthalles of Norway and the Sandefjord Kunstforening Art Award jury and is a Steering Committee Member of the European Assembly of Contemporary Art Centres. Over the last two decades, Cataldo held curatorial and other positions at OCA – Office for Contemporary Art Norway; La Biennale di Venezia, where he also co-curated the Nordic Pavilion in 2015; and Iuav, University of Venice.