Songs of Anemone – cries of the land and its people, is a series of events occupying grief practice as a radical form of protest and an act of defiance of all oppressive colonial systems prevalent in our world. Standing on the foundation of grief as the very fabric that holds us together, we will dive into the subject through a two weeks residency to draw on a collective map of grief through voice and body, later, manifesting symbols and words into masks and puppet-making, subsequently offering various public iterations of ritual and performance, as acts to restore our humanity and capacity to acknowledge the mass collective loss that we are enduring.
We hope to amplify the echoes of our brutal times, to defy the silencing establishment, and reclaim our right to publicly mourn the vast expanse of our losses, and express our outrage against all injustices. From the on-going carnage of exterminating people and their culture, to the devastatingly disappointing paralysis of international human rights law, and the daily extinction of species on our earth, we come together to honor the death of every innocent life and living form, and stand in solidarity with all those who are are facing unimaginable systematic savagery and horror. It is our collective responsibility to weave our bodies together in communal practice, and begin to dismantle exercised systems of violence and what it means for genocide and ecocide to be our present reality, and how might we respond to such sustained atrocities.